Sunday, December 26, 2004

Liputan Peluncuran Buku BaM! di Bandung Advertiser

On 19th December 2004, Isman H. Suryaman launched his first book with the title "Bertanya atau Mati" (BaM) at the Comedy House, Dago Plaza Bandung. This inspirational and humorous book is a series of essays about various simple issues of our daily life. Through this book, Isman is trying to invite readers to pay more attention to their lives and to see how simple they are. Wrapped up with a late-night show [format] and hosted by Riyo from Comedy House, Isman also showed the guests a new concept for a "book launching" event which is funny, creative and extraordinary.
--Bandung Advertiser issue 24/Year 3

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Mau Jadi Distributor BaM?

Tinggal hubungi: Direct Marketing GPU

Jl. Palmerah Barat 33-37 Lt. 2
Jakarta 10270

Ph (62-21) 53677834 ext 3252-3
Fax (62-21) 5300545

Email: gpudm at gramedia dot com

Monday, December 20, 2004

Review BaM! di Majalah Area

Senangkah Anda bertanya? Isman H. Suryaman adalah seorang yang gemar sekali bertanya tentang apa saja sejak kecil. Sekelumit kehidupannya dituangkannya dalam sekumpulan cerita pendek yang -- menurut komentar seorang mahasiswi -- lucu, tapi nonfiktif, dan tanpa adegan slapstick sehingga buku ini berbeda dari buku lain. Isman mengungkap sisi lain dari beragam topik kehidupan sehari-hari. Membaca buku ini cukup membuat pikiran Anda segar kembali. Dapatkan keluaran Gramedia Pustaka Utama ini seharga Rp. 40.000. -da (No. 28--08 Desember '04)


You wrote in your book about Timor = tin can on wheels. FYI, no other countries [except Korea] in South East Asia that can build this so-called four-wheeled tin can. The advanced Korean technology can build cars with thinner body plates yet its strength and durability still match (or even outmatch) those with body plates twice as thick. In a head-on collision, Timor's driver might have a better chance than, say, a Kijang's driver. And the car (Kia) already passed European quality control tests. So I disagree with your dissing Timor as a mere four-wheeled tin can.
--A friend

Monday, December 06, 2004

Saksikan Peluncuran Buku Bertanya atau Mati!

Hari Minggu, tanggal 19 Desember 2004 (sehari setelah Dago Festival), jangan ke mana-mana dulu! Nikmati campuran antara pertunjukan komedi dan talkshow ngocol di Comedy House Bandung (cabang dari Comedy Cafe' Jakarta), Dago Plaza lantai dasar (UG), Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 61-63.

Acara mulai jam tiga sore, pas buat kamu yang beres istirahat setelah Dago Festival atau habis belanja. Dapatkan juga doorprize menarik bagi Kamu yang beruntung!

Kerjasama antara PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Comedy Cafe', dan B Radio, kami menjanjikan satu hal: makna lain untuk istilah "peluncuran buku"!


Jangan sampai kelewatan hal-hal asyik! Kunjungi spot B Radio dan Comedy Cafe' di lintas bawah Jalan Dago. Saksikan berbagai pentas komedi. Ikuti juga games-games adu ketangkasan atau nyali dan dapatkan buku BaM gratis bagi Kamu yang beruntung!

Gagal dapat gratisan? Nyante aja. BaM juga dijual di stand ZOE Bookstore. Atau tinggal datangi peluncuran buku besoknya di Comedy House Bandung!


Kalau Kamu sudah punya "Bertanya atau Mati!", jangan luputkan kesempatan untuk membuat buku kamu jadi eksklusif seperti di bawah ini.

Dengan label "Autographed Copy" dan ditandatangani langsung oleh penulis BaM, Isman H. Suryaman. Hanya saat peluncuran buku!

Jangan lupa: BaM dicetak di kertas berkualitas trade paperback. Lebih tahan lama dibandingkan kertas mass paperback atau kertas koran yang cepat menguning. Sampul buku menggunakan laminasi dove dan UV Spot pada logo tanda tanya. Dengan tambahan label serta tanda tangan, akan lengkap menjadi koleksi Kamu yang bernilai tinggi.

Hanya tersedia 100 label. Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan terbatas ini! Datang ke peluncuran buku BaM!

Belum punya BaM? Jangan khawatir! Kamu dapat membeli langsung di tempat peluncuran, Comedy House, Dago Plaza lantai dasar, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda 61-63.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Bertanya atau Mati! on Female Radio

Isman had a sudden reunion when he found out that Female Radio's Arletta Dhanisworo (Letta) was his highschool senior. Fortunately, both are in the age when they can laugh about old times without having to trade old-age prescription.

The one-hour show featured what the book is all about ("Inviting readers to think and laugh about small things," replied Isman) and how BaM was conceived ("I didn't use contraception.") And, of course, the one question every listeners want to ask: "Do you give away free copies?" ("Uhh... yes--OH MY GOD! THEY'RE CHARGING HERE! HEEELP!")

Letta and Isman were having a contest on showing the widest grin. Letta won with a landslide. Unfortunately, Isman held the giveaway prizes. So the vote went to him.